The Philippines boracay 2300 hotels in 180 only conform to the requirements of the environment
Date: 2018-09-20
According to the Philippines fe work reports, the Philippines Boracay, Boracay resort is expected to be reopened on October 26.Before this weeks, boracay 2300 hotels, only 180 meets the requirement of environment (DENR).
The hearing in the face of senator ever (Cynthia Villar), deputy environment minister Leo in Philippines (Jonas Leones) comments.Environment is the senate in the face of its institutional review 24.17 billion pesos budget hearings in 2019.
Leo, said: "according to the latest data, at present a total of 180 hotel conforms to the law, but these figures include only meet the requirements of the environment and the land facilities."
He said: "we will work with tourism (DOT) and the ministry of the interior (DILG) discuss the final list."
Said the Philippines environment minister, madurai (Roy Cimatu), after comply with their requirements, business owners need to tourism for certification.
Ever expressed fear, because this number is far lower than the government had estimated the number of the hotel will reopen.Authorities estimate 30% of facilities will be allowed to open to the public next month.
Leo in clarified that there have been 2000 facilities to submit their compliance requirements, but these are still in the validation.
He said: "we still need to verify their files.This 180 hotels have completed this process."
Leo in more optimistic, saying they can on October 15, boracay is open to try before operation, completed a review of 2000 applications.
Environment has set up a one-stop service to help facilities comply with the requirements.